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李 铮,男,1967年12月出生,西北大学教授,博士生导师,陕西省第二批“三秦学者”。1991年结业于陕西师范大学化学系,获理学学士学位。1996年结业于陕西师范大学化学系分析化学专业,获理学硕士学位。2000年结业于西安交通大学生命科学与技术工程系,获博士学位。2001年获德国学术交流中心(DAAD)特别生物科学计划奖学金,在德国癌症研究中心(DKFZ)从事博士后事情。2004年就职于澳门新葡平台网址8883,开始从事糖组学相关技术的研究事情,目前已建设了一套完整的糖组学研究技术和要领,主编了我国第一部糖组学实验技术专著(获2012年度国家科学技术学术著作出书基金资助)。于2013年6月在《Journal of Proteome Research》上发表的题为《Age- and sex-associated differences in the glycopatterns of human salivary glycoproteins and their roles against influenza A virus》的文章,首次详细地研究了差异性别康健儿童、成人和老年人唾液糖卵白的差异糖型,发现老年人唾液可以提供更多的糖卵白唾液酸α2-3/6糖链结构与流感病毒血凝素结合,揭示了康健老年人具有更强反抗流感病毒能力的分子机制,此研究结果被美国化学会撰写名为《Saliva proteins may protect older people from influenza》的通讯稿宣布给全球4000家媒体。进一步发现了慢性病(如糖尿病和肝病)患者唾液中糖卵白唾液酸α2-3糖链结构的品貌比同性别同年龄段康健人唾液中的显著降低,提示这些患者易熏染禽流感病毒,探明了通过唾液检测筛查流感病毒易感人群具有可行性。海内新华网、科技日报等媒体以《查唾液或可预测熏染流感风险》为题目,对此研究进行了报道。系统研究了唾液卵白质糖基化异常与肿瘤发生生长的关联性,证明了肿瘤发生生长历程中患者的唾液糖卵白糖链谱发生了变化,建设了快速无损伤性鉴别诊断肝癌、胃癌和乳腺癌的新要领。

1. Xiawei Liu, Hanjie Yu, Yan Qiao, Jiajun Yang, Jian Shu, Jiaxu Zhang, Zhiwei Zhang, Jianjun He*, Zheng Li*. Salivary Glycopatterns as Potential Biomarkers for Screening of Early-stage Breast Cancer. EBioMedicine. 2018, 28: 70-9.
2. Qiang Jian, Zhao Yang, Jian Shu, Xiawei Liu, Jing Zhang, Zheng Li*. Lectin BS-I inhibits cell migration and invasion via the AKT/GSK-3β/β-catenin pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2018, 22(1): 315-29.
3. 李铮,孙士生. 糖组学:全面了解生命基础的重要一环. 生物化学与生物物理进展. 2017, 44(10): 819~20
4. 薛添, 李艳红, 李铮*. 卵巢癌生物标志物的糖链谱研究进展*.生物化学与生物物理进展. 2017, 44(10): 865~76.
5. Xinmin Qin, Yonghong Guo, Yaogang Zhong, Haoqi Du, Xuetian Li, Hanjie Yu, Zhiwei Zhang, Yannan Qin, Zhansheng Jia*, Zheng Li*. Comparative Analysis for Glycopatterns and Complex-type N-Glycans of Glycoprotein in Sera from Chronic Hepatitis B - and C -Infected Patients. Frontiers in Physiology. 2017, doi:10.3389/fphys.2017.00596.
6. Wentian Chen, Yaogang Zhong, Hanjie Yu, Jian Shu, Tianran Ma, Zheng Li*. Genetic Variation and Co-evolutionary Relationship of RNA Polymerase Complex Segments in Influenza A Viruses. Virology. 2017, doi:10.1016/j.virol.2017.07.027.
7. Wentian Chen, Yaogang Zhong, Rui Sua, Huicai Qia, Weina Deng, Yu Sun, Tianran Ma, Xilong Wang, Hanjie Yu, Xiurong Wang, Zheng Li*. N-glycan profiles in H9N2 avian influenza viruses from chicken eggs and human embryonic lung fibroblast cells. Journal of Virological Methods. 2017, 249: 10-20.
8. Qiang Jian, Zhao Yang, Jian Shu, Xiawei Liu, Jing Zhang, Zheng Li*. Lectin BS-I inhibits cell migration and invasion via the AKT/GSK-3β/β-catenin pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2017, DOI: 10.1111/jcmm.13320.
9. Jian Shu, Hanjie Yu, Xiaojie Li, Dandan Zhang, Xiawei Liu, Haoqi Du, Jiaxu Zhang, Zhao Yang, Hailong Xie*, Zheng Li*. Salivary Glycopatterns as Potential Biomarkers for Diagnosis of Gastric cancer. Oncotarget. 2017, 8(22): 35718-27.
10. Yaogang Zhong, Yonghong Guo, Xiawei Liu, Jiaxu Zhang, Tianran Ma, Jian Shu, Jiajun Yang, Jing Zhang, Zhansheng Jia*, Zheng Li*. Serum Glycopatterns as Novel Potential Biomarkers for Diagnosis of Acute-on-Chronic Hepatitis B Liver Failure. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7, 45957; doi: 10.1038/srep45957.
11. Yannan Qin, Yaogang Zhong, Tianran Ma, Jiaxu Zhang, Ganglong Yang, Feng Guan, Zheng Li*, Baozhen Li*. A pilot study of salivary N-glycome in HBV-induced chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Glycoconjugate Journal. 2017, 34(4), 523-35.
12. Hanyu Zhu, Moyan Liu, Hanjie Yu, Xiawei Liu, Yaogang Zhong, Jian Shu, Xinle Fu, Guangyan Cai, Xiangmei Chen, Wenjia Geng, Xiaoli Yang, Minghui Wu, Zheng Li*, Dong Zhang*. Glycopatterns of urinary protein as new potential diagnose indicators for diabetic nephropathy. Journal of Diabetes Research. 2017, doi.org/10.1155/2017/5728087.
13. 阳佳君, 刘夏薇, 舒健, 张坤, 李铮*. NK细胞免疫功效相关糖结合卵白的研究进展. 生物化学与生物物理进展. 2017, 44(5): 365-76.
14. 刘夏薇, 安然, 于汉杰, 舒健, 秦鑫敏, 李铮*. 糖组学在乳腺癌中的研究进展. 中国科学:生命科学. 2016, 46(7): 827-38.
15. Y. Qin, Q. Wang, Y. Zhong, F. Zhao, F. Wu, Y. Wang, T. Ma, C. Liu, H. Bian, Z. Li*. Alteration of N-glycoproteins/N-glycosites in human hepatic stellate cells activated with transforming growth factor-β1. Cellular and Molecular Biology. 2016, 62 (3): 51-64.
16. 舒健,于汉杰,刘夏薇,张旦旦,李铮. 胃癌相关糖卵白糖链谱的研究进展. 生物化学与生物物理进展. 2016, 43(5): 449-60.
17. Yaogang Zhong, Xiu-Xuan Sun, Peixin Zhang, Xinmin Qin, Wentian Chen, Yonghong Guo, Zhansheng Jia, Huijie Bian*, Zheng Li*. Identification and localization of Xylose-binding proteins and as potential biomarkers for liver fibrosis/cirrhosis. Molecular BioSystems. 2016, 12: 598-605.DOI: 10.1039/C5MB00703H.
18. 杜昊骐, 于汉杰, 贾丽苑, 李铮. 鞘糖脂分析技术及相关疾病研究进展. 生物化学与生物物理进展. 2016, 43(1): 14-27.
19. Yannan Qin, Yaogang Zhong, Tianran Ma, Fei Wu, Haoxiang Wu, Hanjie Yu, Chen Huang*, Zheng Li*. Alteration of liver glycopatterns during cirrhosis and tumor progression induced by HBV. Glycoconjugate Journal. 2016, DOI 10.1007/s10719-015-9645-z
20. Qinzhe Wang, Fei Zhao, Xiuxuan Sun, Shisheng Sun, Hanjie Yu, Yaogang Zhong, Yuan Hu, Zhuo Chen, Peixin Zhang, Zheng Li*. Glycoproteomic analysis of human hepatoblastoma cell lines using glycopeptide capture and mass spectrometry. Journal of Glycomics & Lipidomics. 2015, 5: 132. doi:10.4172/2153-0637.1000132.
21. Yaogang Zhong, Jing Zhang, Hanjie Yu, Jiaxu Zhang, Xiu-xuan Sun, Wentian Chen, Huijie Bian*, Zheng Li*. Characterization and sub-cellular localization of GalNAc-binding proteins isolated from human hepatic stellate cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2015, 468(4): 906-12.
22. Y Lei , H Yu , Y Dong , J Yang, W Ye, Y Wang, W Chen, Z Jia, Z Xu, Z Li*, F Zhang*. Characterization of N-Glycan Structures on the Surface of Mature Dengue 2 Virus Derived from Insect Cells. PLoS One. 2015, 10(7): e0132122.
23. Yaogang Zhong, Yannan Qin, Liuyi Dang, Liyuan Jia, Zhiwei Zhang, Haoxiang Wu, Jihong Cui, Huijie Bian*, Zheng Li*. Alteration and localization of glycan-binding proteins in human hepatic stellate cells during liver fibrosis. Proteomics. 2015,15, 3283-95.
24. 李学甜,孙宇,杜亚蓉,王喜龙,张沛欣,钟耀刚,马恬然,王秀荣,李铮. H7N2禽流感病毒HA的疏散纯化及其糖链谱研究. 生物化学与生物物理进展. 2015, 42(6): 551-562.
25. Yaogang Zhong, Hanjie Yu, Yannan Qin, Liuyi Dang, Qiang Jian, Zheng Li*. A protocol for high-throughput screening, analysis and validation of protein glycopatterns. Protocol Exchange. 2015 doi:10.1038/protex.2015.028.
26. Yaogang Zhong, Yannan Qin, Hanjie Yu, Jingmin Yu, Haoxiang Wu, Lin Chen, Peixin Zhang, Xiurong Wang, Zhansheng Jia, Yonghong Guo, Hua Zhang, Junjie Shan, Yuxia Wang, Hailong Xie, Xiaojie Li, Zheng Li*. Avian Influenza Virus Infection Risk in Humans with Chronic Diseases. Scientific Reports. 2015, 5, 8971; DOI:10.1038/srep08971.
27. Ganglong Yang, Zengqi Tan, Wei Lu, Jia Guo, Hanjie Yu, Jingmin Yu, Chengwen Sun, Xiaowei Qi, Zheng Li*, and Feng Guan*. Quantitative Glycome Analysis of N-Glycan Patterns in Bladder Cancer vs Normal Bladder Cells Using an Integrated Strategy. Journal of Proteome Research, 2015; 14(2): 639-53.
28. Yiqian Liang, Tianran Ma, Asmitananda Thakur, Hanjie Yu, Lei Gao, Puyu Shi, Xuetian Li, Hui Ren, Liyuan Jia, Zheng Li*, Mingwei Chen*. Differentially Expressed Glycosylated Patterns of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin as Serum Biomarkers for the diagnosis of Lung Cancer. Glycobiology, 2015, 25(3): 331-40.
29. Yannan Qin, Yaogang Zhong, Ganglong Yang, Tianran Ma, Liyuan Jia, Chen Huang*, Zheng Li*. Profiling of Concanavalin A-Binding Glycoproteins in Human Hepatic Stellate Cells Activated with Transforming Growth Factor-β1. Molecules. 2014, 19, 19845-19867.
30. 钟耀刚, 秦鑫敏, 杜昊骐, 党刘毅, 李铮. 肝癌细胞系差异性表达的糖结合卵白研究. 生物化学与生物物理进展. 2014, 41(11): 1173-1181.
31. Shisheng Sun, Fei Zhao, Qinzhe Wang, Yaogang Zhong, Tanxi Cai, Peng Wu, Fuquan Yang*, Zheng Li*. Analysis of age and gender associated N-glycoproteome in human whole saliva. Clinical Proteomics. 2014, 11(1): 25 doi:10.1186/1559-0275-11-25
32. Ganglong Yang, Tianran Ma, Zheng Li*. Enrichment and Characterization of Total N-linked Glycans from Glycoproteins by Ultrafiltration Units and Mass Spectrometry. 生物化学与生物物理进展. 2014, 41(4): 403-8.
33. Yannan Qin, Yaogang Zhong, Minzhi Zhu, Liuyi Dang, Hanjie Yu, Zhuo Chen, Wentian Chen, Xiurong Wang, Hua Zhang, Zheng Li*. Age- and sex-associated differences in the glycopatterns of human salivary glycoproteins and their roles against influenza A virus. Journal of Proteome Research. 2013, 12 (6): 2742-54.
34. Xiaoqiang Wang, Erle Dang, Jinzhuai Gao, Sen Guo, Zheng Li*. Development of a gold nanoparticle-based oligonucleotide microarray for simultaneous detection of seven swine viruses. Journal of Virological Methods. 2013, 191: 9-15.
35. Ganglong Yang, Ting Cui, Ye Wang, Shisheng Sun, Tianran Ma, Ting Wang, Qiaoling Chen, Zheng Li*. Selective isolation and analysis of glycoprotein fractions and their glycomes from hepatocellular carcinoma sera. Proteomics. 2013,13(9): 1481-98.
36. Ganglong Yang, Wei Chu, Xiuxuan Sun, Hua Zhang, Tanxi Cai, liuyi Dang, Qinzhe Wang, Hanjie Yu, Yaogang Zhong, Zhuo Chen, Fuquan Yang*, Zheng Li*. Isolation and identification of mannose-binding proteins and estimation of their abundance in sera from hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Proteomics. 2013, 13(5): 878-92.
37. Yangguang Li, Ti Wen, Minzhi Zhu, Lixin Li, Jun Wei, Xiaoli Wu, Mingzhou Guo, Shuangping Liu, Huiyuan Zhao, Siyuan Xia, Weili Huang, Puyue Wang, Zhenzhou Wu, Liqing Zhao, Wenqing Shui *, Zheng Li* and Zhinan Yin*. Glycoproteomic analysis of tissues from patients with colon cancer using lectin microarrays and nanoLC-MS/MS. Molecular BioSystems. 2013, 9(7): 1877-87.
38. Hanjie Yu, Minzhi Zhu, Yannan Qin, Yaogang Zhong, Hua Yan, Qi Wang, Huijie Bian*, Zheng Li*. Analysis of glycan-related genes expression and glycan profiles in mice with liver fibrosis. Journal of Proteome Research. 2012, 11 (11): 5277-85.
39. Wentian Chen, Yaogang Zhong, Yannan Qin, Shisheng Sun, Zheng Li*. The Evolutionary Pattern of Glycosylation Sites in Influenza Virus (H5N1) Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase. PLoS ONE. 2012, 7(11): e49224.
40. Yannan Qin, Yaogang Zhong, Liuyi Dang, Minzhi Zhu, Hanjie Yu, Wentian Chen, Jihong Cui, Huijie Bian*, Zheng Li*. Alteration of protein glycosylation in human hepatic stellate cells activated with transforming growth factor-β1. Journal of Proteomics. 2012, 75(13): 4114-23.
41. Wentian Chen, Shisheng Sun, Zheng Li*. Two Glycosylation Sites in H5N1 Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin that Affect Binding preference by Computer-Based Analysis. PLoS ONE. 2012, 7(6): e38794.
42. 钟耀刚,秦棪楠,孙士生,陈闻天,李铮*. 流感病毒识别糖链受体分子机制的研究进展. 生物化学与生物物理进展. 2012, 39(7): 605~12.
43. Shisheng Sun, Qinzhe Wang, Fei Zhao, Wentian Chen, Zheng Li*. Prediction of Biological Functions on Glycosylation Site Migrations in Human Influenza H1N1 Viruses. PLoS ONE. 2012, 7(2): e32119.
44. Ganglong Yang, Ting Cui, Qiaoling Chen, Tianran Ma, Zheng Li*. Isolation and identification of native membrane glycoproteins from living cell by Concanavalin A-magnetic particle conjugates. Analytical Biochemistry. 2012, 421(1): 339-41.
45. Shisheng Sun, Qinzhe Wang, Fei Zhao, Wentian Chen, Zheng Li*. Glycosylation site alteration in the evolution of influenza A (H1N1) viruses. PLoS ONE. 2011, 6(7): e22844.
46. Shisheng Sun, Ganglong Yang, Ting Wang, Qinzhe Wang, Chao Chen, Zheng Li*. Isolation of N-linked glycopeptides by hydrazine-functionalized magnetic particles. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2010, 396(8): 3071-8.
47. Xiuxuan Sun, Ganglong Yang, Shisheng Sun, Rui Quan, Weiwei Dai, Bin Li, Chao Chen, Zheng Li*. The hydroxyl-functionalized magnetic particles for purification of glycan-binding proteins. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. 2009, 10(8): 753-60.
48. Gang Nan, Hua Yan, Ganglong Yang, Qiang Jian, Chao Chen, Zheng Li*. The hydroxyl-modified surfaces on glass support for fabrication of carbohydrate microarrays. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. 2009, 10(1): 138-46.
49. 简强,于汉杰,陈超,李铮*. 凝集素芯片技术检测糖卵白要领的建设及开端应用. 生物化学与生物物理进展. 2009,36(2): 254-9.

1. 特定凝集素组合在制备用以鉴别上皮性卵巢癌的测试载体方面的用途以及试剂盒,申请号:201711369378.9
2. 五羟色胺-磁粒复合物富集唾液酸糖卵白,申请号:201711206127.9
发现人:李铮 王喜龙 肖志强 秦秋红 苏建英 麻纪斌 高湘 马恬然 张志伟
3. 快速检测禽流感和人流感易感人群的要领以及接纳的试纸条,申请号:201611073359.7
4. 预防流感病毒的含片,申请号:201610654636.7
发现人:李铮(Zheng Li),于汉杰(Hanjie Yu), 钟耀刚(Yaogang Zhong), 马恬然(Tianran Ma), 张志伟(Zhiwei Zhang), 吴昊翔(Haoxiang Wu), 张甲戌(Jiaxu Zhang)
5. 一种定量检测糖鞘脂中糖链结构的要领,申请号:201510776598.8
发现人:李铮, 杜昊骐,于汉杰,舒健,刘夏薇
6. 一种基于唾液糖卵白糖链鉴别肝系列病的凝集素芯片及其应用,申请号:PCT/CN2014/070300
发现人:李铮(Zheng Li),秦棪楠(Yannan Qin), 钟耀刚(Yaogang Zhong),陈琳(Lin Chen),吴昊翔(Haoxiang Wu)

1. 一种基于唾液卵白检测糖链标志物的凝集素芯片及其要领,专利号:ZL201610007829.3 授权通告:2018年3月30日
发现人:李铮, 舒健, 于汉杰, 刘夏薇, 杜昊骐
2. 一种基于唾液卵白鉴别乳腺癌的凝集素芯片和试剂盒及其应用,专利号:ZL201610315822.8 授权通告:2017年12月1日
3. 一种基于唾液及配合基于唾液和血清中卵白检测糖链标志物的凝集素芯片和试剂盒及其应用,专利号:ZL201610123938.1 授权通告:2017年12月1日
4. 特定凝集素组合在制备用以鉴别肺癌类型及分期的测试载体方面的用途,申请号:201610083121.6
5. 一种用于筛查禽流感和人流感病毒易感人群的检测工具,专利号:ZL201410108148.7授权通告:2016年4月27日
发现人:李铮,秦棪楠, 钟耀刚,于汉杰,鱼静敏,陈琳,朱光
6. 一种滤膜辅助疏散生物样本中糖卵白全N-连接糖链及其鉴别要领,专利号:ZL201210181029.5 授权通告:2016年1月6日
发现人:李铮 杨刚龙 马恬然 王晔
7. 一种针对唾液样本的凝集素测试芯片及其处置惩罚要领,专利号:ZL201310167667.6
8. 一种基于唾液糖结合卵白鉴别肝系列病的糖芯片及其应用, 专利号:ZL201410122367.0;授权通告:2015年7月22日
9. 一种疏散纯化神经氨酸酶(禽流感病毒)的要领,专利号:ZL201310438024.0;授权通告:2015年3月25日
10. 快速无损伤性检测肝肿瘤标志物的要领以及接纳的试纸条,专利号:ZL201210294440.3;授权通告:2014年10月22日
发现人:李铮 赵菲 王秦哲 于汉杰 张华 孙士生
11. 一种快速评估甲型流感病毒宿主特异性的要领,专利号:ZL201010118950.6;授权通告日:2013年9月25日
发现人:李铮 孙宇 杜亚蓉 祁会彩 邓炜娜 王秀荣 杨刚龙
12. 一种流感病毒血凝素大规模疏散纯化要领,专利号:ZL201010118958.2;授权通告日:2013年1月23日
发现人:李铮 孙宇 杜亚蓉 杨刚龙
13. 一种用凝集素芯片同时分析甲型流感病毒亚型及其毒力的要领,
发现人:李铮 杜亚蓉 孙宇 祁会彩 邓炜娜 王秀荣
14. 一种疏散纯化糖肽的要领,专利号:ZL200810017386.1;
发现人:李铮 陈超 孙士生 杨刚龙 王婷 孙秀璇 邓玮娜
15. 一种分析糖卵白的要领,专利号:ZL200710017872.9;
发现人:李铮 陈超 简强 王婷 孙士生 王芬
16. 用功效糖芯片及航行质谱仪分析糖结合卵白的要领,专利号:ZL200610105388.7;
发现人:李铮 陈超 南刚 杨刚龙 任挺立
17. 糖生物芯片的制备要领,专利号:ZL200610071357.4;
发现人:李铮 陈超 南刚 颜桦
18. 富集和纯化糖基化卵白的要领,专利号:ZL200510096270.8;
发现人:李铮 陈超 杨刚龙 崔亚丽
19. 富集和纯化糖结合卵白的要领,专利号:ZL200510096271.2;
发现人:李铮 陈超 杨刚龙 崔亚丽 惠文利
20. 目视化的生物芯片的制备要领,专利号:ZL200510096269.5;
发现人:李铮 陈超 崔亚丽 唐金凡 尚昆

1. 盘算机软件名称:基于凝集素芯片检测唾液糖卵白糖型数据智能化鉴别萎缩性胃炎和胃癌患者软件V1.0,挂号号:2018R11L081301
著作权人:李铮 舒健 于汉杰
2. 盘算机软件名称:基于凝集素芯片检测唾液糖卵白糖型数据智能化鉴别乳腺疾病和早期乳腺癌患者软件V1.0,挂号号:2018R11L224025
著作权人:李铮 舒健 刘夏薇 于汉杰
3. 盘算机软件名称:凝集素芯片数据自动归一化软件V1.0,挂号号:2017R11L121971
著作权人:李铮 舒健 于汉杰
4. 盘算机软件名称:Sequon Finder 软件V1.0, 挂号号:2010SR014428
著作权人:王秦哲 秦子实 孙士生 李铮
5. 盘算机软件名称:糖结合蛋鹤发现者软件V1.0,挂号号:2010R11L059623
著作权人:王然 田小玉 孟飞 李铮

1. 李铮.糖组学研究技术.北京:高等教育出书社. 2015(获2012年度国家科学技术学术著作出书基金资助)。

1. 国家自然科学基金项目《肝癌发生生长中唾液糖卵白糖链标志物的筛选和判定》(2014.01至2017.12,课题编号:81372365)。
2. 科技部国际科技相助计划项目《用于功效糖组学研究和监测禽流感病毒宿主特异性的新技术的开发》(2007.01至2011.12,课题编号2009DFA32730)。
3. 国家自然科学基金项目《基于糖芯片和磁性微粒的肝癌糖结合卵白的筛选、纯化及判定》(2009.01至2011.12,课题编号:30870549)。
4. 国家“863计划”项目《监测禽流感病毒宿主特异性的糖芯片的开发》(2007.06至2010.11,课题编号:2007AA02Z413)。

1. 《功效糖组学研究技术建设及应用》,2016,陕西高等学校科学技术奖,一等奖,李铮(1/11),(李铮,孙士生,杨刚龙,陈闻天,秦棪楠,于汉杰,南刚,孙秀璇,钟耀刚,简强,马恬然)


